Sunday, May 31, 2009

Graphium doson evemonides (Honrath,1884)

The Common Jay Sumatra

Location : Curup, Rejang Land, Sumatra

Reference :

Friday, May 29, 2009

Astictopterus jama jama

Astictopterus jama jama Felder & Felder,1860


* Tagiades pulligo Mabille,1876 : Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. (5)6:xx#6#,272. TL. Java. (‰)
* Isoteinon melania Plotz,1885 : Berl. ent. Z. 29:230. TL. Malaysia. (‰)

Reference :

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Delias Pasithoé Goda female form

Align Center

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidotera
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Delias
Species: Delias pasithoe goda

Image location Talang Rimbo Lama Village, rejang-lebong regency, bengkulu province, rejang land.
Photo by Curup Kami

Identify :
Similar pattern :

Delias Ninus Ninus A1 male A dessous Malaisie

Delias Ninus Alluviorum A1 male A dessous Sumatra Ouest

Delias Crithoé Crithoé A2 male A dessous Java Ouest

Delias Crithoé Chérima B1 femlle A dessous Java

Reference :

Female verso
Delias ninus alluviorum
Lampong, S. Sumatra - September 1984

Female recto
Delias ninus alluviorum
Lampong, S. Sumatra - September 1984

recto Male verso

Vanessa cardui

(Vanessa Cardui) with wings closed
wing-span 55-60 mm

Reference :

Agrius convolvuli female form

Record in Curup town, Rejang Land, Sumatra, Indonesia. May 2009

Identify by :
Dr Ian J. Kitching
Research Entomologist Department of Entomology The Natural History Museum

The Convolvulus Hawk-moth, Agrius convolvuli, is a large hawkmoth. It is common throughout Europe and Africa.

Agrius convolvuli

Convolvulus Hawk Moth

Convolvulus Hawk Moth
(Agrius convolvuli)
wing-span 10-11 cm

Record in Curup town, Rejang Land, Sumatra, Indonesia. May 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Acosmeryx Shervillii


Photo :

Located at Curup Town, Rejang Land, Sumatra

Reference :

Cechenena helops helops

Cechenena helops Walker
Philampelus helops Walker, 1856, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 8: 180.
Cechenena helops Walker; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903: 801.

Cechenena helops
(.65 natural size)

The mottled grey-green forewings with the round, dark green subbasal patch are diagnostic.

Geographical range. N. India to Bismarck Is.

Habitat preference. The species is less frequent than lineosa but has been taken in the same range of localities.

Biology. The larva was described by Dupont & Roepke (1941). The young larva is green with pale yellow dots and a pair of ocelli on A1. The mature larva is greyish brown speckled dark brown. White lines run from the ocelli to the head. The short horn is downcurved, dark brown, granulated with white tubercles.

The host-plant recorded was Tetrastigma (Vitidaceae).

Credit photo :
by arga at Curup Town, Rejang land, Sumatra

Reference :

Euthalia aconthea garuda male form

Common Baron Garuda Sumatra
Euthalia aconthea garuda (Moore,[1858])

Synonym :
Euthalia aconthea apama Fruhstorfer,1913 : in Seitz, Grossschmett Erde. 9:667. TL. ??(Thailand)
Euthalia aconthea meridionalis

This is very hard for us to identify, due the minimal information. Very hard to find photo from internet and catalog. Finally we found the pattern from Yukata web site (A Check List of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM), so our euthalia from rejang land namely as Euthalia aconthea garuda, and I think this is the first record in photo from Rejang land nature, and must add to in Sumatra Butterfly check list.

Record in :
Curup Town, Rejang land, Sumatra, Indonesia


Euthalia aconthea meridionalis


(= Euthalia garuda ( Moore))


Upperside dark olive-brown. FW male dark brown at the base with 3 U- shaped marginal bands and 2 groups of white spots. HW with pinkish tinge at the anterior border, 4 black spots at the base and a submarginal row of black spots. Female olive brown, similar to male but with larger white markings and more rounded HW. Underside grayish brown with grey markings at the apex and base, marked as above, black spots along the wing margins and blackish rings at the base. Wingspan 55-80mm.

The most widely distributed species of Euthalia in South India, more in the forests. As mango, its principal host plant is cultivated everywhere, it is now very common even in cities and crowded markets, on rotten vegetables and fruits, toddy, plant sap and damp patches. Highly territorial in habit, it often returns to the same spot again and again.


Green with red spotted head, pale dorsal line dotted with blue and white spots and 10 pairs of long, laterally projecting, delicate branched spines. While resting on leaves, it positions its body along the midrib and lateral spines parallel to the leaf veins, thus mimicking the leaf perfectly.

Feeds on mango, cashewnut, white bryony, rose, mulberry, loranthus, etc.


India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Malaysia, Indonesia (Rejang Land, Sumatra) and the Sundaland.

Reference :
Specimens Examined

♂, 1992.11.18. Pai, Mae Hong Son, Thailand.


Muvattupuzha, Kerala ,India

Curup, Rejang Land Sumatra

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ambulyx canescens canescens (Walker, [1865])

Ambulyx canescens

Ambulyx (formerly Oxyambulyx) canescens is considered a forest pest because its larvae feed on the leaves of young Dryobalanops lanceolata, a timber tree. This hawkmoth is found in Indochina, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines.

Ambulyx canescens Walker
Ambulyx canescens Walker, 1864, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus. 31: 38.
Oxyambulyx canescens Walker; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903: 205.

Ambulyx canescens
(.65 natural size)

Both this and the next species differ from Bornean congeners in having a pair of ocellate marks subapically on the abdomen rather than a narrow dorsal line, more than two subbasal patches on the forewing, definite discal spots, and hindwings concolorous with the forewing. A. canescens is a more greyish species with stronger subbasal markings on the forewing and a stronger green edging to the thorax; there are distinctive pale patches on the hindwing.

Geographical range. S.E. Asia, Sundaland; Philippines. Sumatra.

Habitat preference. Harman (1981) recorded the species generally in Brunei. On the Kinabalu and Mulu surveys it was only taken above 1500m, the highest record being from 2600m. Now we recorded at May 2009 at Curup town, rejang land, sumatra, Indonesia.

Biology. The species has been reared from Shorea lepidota (Dipterocarpaceae) at FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia). And now we found at Curup town, Rejang Land, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Record at :

Curup town, Rejang land, Sumatra

Reference :

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Junonia Iphita Tosca

Chocolate Pansy
Junonia iphita (Cramer, [1779])

Reference :

Hestina Mimetica Carolinae

Hestina Carolina, Snellen, Tijd. voor Entom. 1890, p. 218. Habitat. Sumatra.

Reference :

Dysphania militaris

Comparison photo from other region sumatra :