Delias hyparete Itohi
Painted Jezebel from rejang land
Painted Jezebel from rejang land
Rare Painted Jezebel Itohi was found in Rejang Land as you see at photo below. The different beautifull pattern we found at five red spot with black background at lower wing. Its make very happy to find this rarest species exist in Rejang Land. I identified this species base on Forms and abberations of Delias hyparete, and the form match only for Delias Hyparete sub species Itohi.
Delias Hyparete Itohi first identify by Nakano 1993 and it discovere at Simeulue Island, Aceh Province, Indonesia. So that why its really surprise when we find the same pattern wing of butterfly as same as with the subspecies from Simeulue Island. If this subspecies endemik in Simeulue Island and thats photo above is not Delias Hyparete Itohi, so must be that butterfly at photo above to be new sub species Delias Hyparete from rejang land. If any body expert about butterfly please give us comment :).
With this photo we serve that Delias Hyparete Itohi range habitat present at Rejang land, especially Rejang Lebong regency, Bengkulu Province. Not only at Simeulue Island.
Image taken at Talang Rimbo Baru Village, Curup Town, Rejang Land, Southern Sumatra by Curup Kami.
The Forms and abberations of Delias hyparete for sub species Forms and abberations of Delias hyparete Itohi to identify thats butterfly from rejang land

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